Funding, 49.173, 49.175
Review of agency decisions, 49.152
Application verification, 49.84
Benefit reduction or termination, notice required, 49.153
Child care, see Children—2. Child Care
Child support project, 49.1455
Domestic abuse screening and training, 49.1473
Education and training, 49.149
Employment positions:
Eligibility, 49.145
Employer criteria, 49.146
Wages and benefits, 49.148
Exemption from levy, 49.96
Work experience program for noncustodial parents, 49.36
Work programs and searches and job access loans, 49.147
Delinquent loan repayments, recovery, 49.85
Follow-up services, 49.1475
Information disclosure limitations, 49.83
Literacy grants for services to members of needy families, 49.169
Milwaukee county, coordination with health services dept. child welfare services, 48.48 (16)
Noncustodial and minor parent program eligibility, 49.159
Overpayment recovery, 49.161, 49.195, 49.85
Refusal to participate, 49.151 (1)
Support arrears recovery, payment to former participant, 49.1452
Transportation assistance, 49.157
Two-parent families, 49.15
Violations of program, sanctions, 49.151 (2)
public borrowing PUBLIC BORROWING
public building corporation, state PUBLIC BUILDING CORPORATION, STATE
Indemnification of, 895.47
Nonprofit-sharing, how created, powers, 13.482
public buildings PUBLIC BUILDINGS
Boilers and mechanical devices, 101.17
Commerce department authority, 101.02 (15)
Inspection fees and records, 101.19
Construction, approval and inspection, 101.12
Construction contracts:
Municipal wage scale, 66.0903
Publicly funded private projects, 66.0904
State wage scale, 103.49
Substance abuse prevention, required program, 103.503
Contractor's liability, bond, 779.14
Disabled persons, accommodations, 101.13
Electrical construction inspection, 101.80 to 101.88
Energy conservation code, 101.027
Erection at street ends on navigable waters, 30.30 (8)
Firearms, prohibited in, 941.235
Fire, inspections, prevention, detection and suppression, 101.14 (4)
Firewalls, uniform rules, 101.135
Health and educational facilities, waiver of construction and bidding requirements by state, 231.20
Historic, state policy, 13.48 (1m)
Inspection, 101.02 (15), 101.12
Insurance, local government property fund, Ch. 605
Land for, city, state, may acquire, XI, 3a
Memorial halls and museums, veterans organizations may use, 45.73
Parking spaces for the disabled, 346.503
Parking structure funding, Milwaukee county, 13.485
Recycling space, 101.126
Restrooms, access equity, 101.128
Safety glazing of glass in hazardous locations, 101.125
Smoke detectors, 101.145
Smoking prohibited, 101.123
Ventilation, 101.025
Contractor regulation and licensing, 101.178
Village, 61.34 (3)
Wage rate, state work, 103.49
public defender, state PUBLIC DEFENDER, STATE
Generally, Ch. 977
Appointment, 977.05 (1)
Appointment of counsel, 977.08
Chapter 51 proceedings, mental illness etc. 51.60
Chapter 55 protective services proceedings, 55.105
Attorneys willing to represent indigents on list, 977.08 (3)
Appropriation, 20.550
Creation, membership, terms, 15.78
Duties, 977.02
Indigency determination authority, 977.07
Powers, 977.03
Restrictions, 977.04
Unclassified service, 230.08 (2) (e)
Case management system, establish, 977.05 (4) (am)
Collections, 977.06, 977.076
Deposits of payments, 977.077